Originality of products sold by Modcreating

The products available on our site are supplied to us exclusively by verified suppliers. This guarantees us that the goods are of quality and original. The products you find in our portfolio are delivered to us by the same suppliers who supply traditional stores. In Europe we are active on the market and have already provided our services to tens of thousands of customers. Throughout this period we have always sold only the original goods. Selling counterfeit products goes against our code of ethics.

The long company life combined with our unstoppable growth is the result of the quality of our service and product sales.

How can we be so cheap

 This is undoubtedly one of the questions our customers ask us most frequently. How is it possible that our prices are often up to 70% lower than in traditional stores, if we have the same suppliers? The answer is simple. Unlike traditional shops we work with much lower profit margins. Furthermore we do not have to pay expensive rents in shopping centres, squares and city centres. The cost of renting even the smallest of shops in one of these locations represents a significant cost. Finally, we must consider the fact that unlike traditional shops we sell many more products and therefore we buy more products from our suppliers, managing to obtain significantly better prices.

Thanks to all these factors we are able to offer you prices that you won't find elsewhere.