After-sales and product return policies

The User can request a return within 14 days of receiving the order for the following reasons: if the product is not liked, it is too large/small, it is damaged, it does not correspond to the product ordered, it is not present in the package or other.

To start the return request you must follow these instructions: Identify the order for which you want to make a return request and then click on REQUEST RETURN, enter the quantity and reason for the return. Then click on send request.

All your return requests will be visible in the Orders > My returns. For complete return conditions, consult the Terms and Conditions of the service.

Shipping, return costs and customs charges are the responsibility of the User, unless otherwise instructed. In case of faulty or non-compliant products it is necessary to make a return request, according to the methods already indicated. No later than 14 days after receiving the order, you will be asked to describe the damage in detail and attach photos that demonstrate the extent of it, sending all the details to the appropriate contact form.

The refund is provided in the form of a credit uploaded to the User's profile within a maximum of 10 working days from receipt of the product.

Orders that are returned to the sender due to failure to deliver to the recipient (recipient not found after several delivery attempts, refusal of the goods by the recipient) will be refunded according to the methods already described previously, but the cost of returning the goods and duties customs duties will be charged to the User, according to the following methods:

- orders returning from non-EU countries (except UK)

– flat rate payment of €45 + customs charges

- Returning orders returning from the UK – flat rate payment of €30 + customs charges

- orders returning from EU countries (excluding Italy) shipped with DHL Express – flat rate payment of €15

For which items can I initiate a return?

You can initiate the return within 14 days of delivery for all items. The goods must be in good condition, they must not have been used or washed. The goods must have the original tag and label. The return can be requested only once per order.

Are there charges for returns?

Returns are free in Italy for orders over 150 euros

for orders under 150 euros the return costs are borne by the customer

When will I receive the refund?

As soon as the goods are received and the integrity of the goods has been verified, a return approval notification will be sent to you. Once approved, you will receive a refund in the original payment method.